OpenBuildings™ Designer Help

Global Changes: Gains

Contains controls used to identify gains data for which to apply global changes. Global changes can be enabled and restricted for certain types of gains data.

Note: Default gains data is defined for rooms in the Gains’s Gains panel.
Tip: An alternative to using Global Changes is to change the gains data for individual rooms by using the controls found in Gains Properties.
Type When on, the gain component type can be changed globally for the selected rooms.
  • New data – Lists the gain component types available in the project. The gain component type selected here is the gain component type the selected rooms will be globally changed to use when the Apply button is clicked. The same gain component type drop-down list is enabled when Restrict changes is checked.
  • Restrict changes – When on, the changes can be restricted by selecting a gain component type to omit from the global change. The gain component type selected here will be checked for in the selected rooms' existing gain component properties. If the data check finds the same gain component type, the room is omitted from the global change when the Apply button is clicked.
Schedule When on, the gain component schedule can be changed globally for the selected rooms.
  • New data – Lists the gain component schedules available in the project. The gain component schedule selected here is the gain component schedule the selected rooms will be globally changed to use when the Apply button is clicked. The same gain component schedule drop-down list is enabled when Restrict changes is checked.
  • Restrict changes – When on, the changes can be restricted by selecting a gain component schedule to omit from the global change. The gain component schedule selected here will be checked for in the selected rooms' existing gain component properties. If the data check finds the same gain component schedule, the room is omitted from the global change when the Apply button is clicked.
Design level calculation method When on, the design level calculation property can be changed globally for the selected rooms. The design level calculation can be globally changed to one of the following methods:

  • New data – Used to select a new design level calculation method. The design level calculation method selected here is the design level calculation method the selected rooms' design will be globally changed to when the Apply button is clicked.
  • Restrict changes – When on, the changes can be restricted by selecting a design level calculation method to omit from the global change. The design level calculation method selected here will be checked for in the selected rooms' existing gain component properties. If the data check finds the same design level calculation method, the room is omitted from the global change when the Apply button is clicked.
Design level When on, the Design level property can be changed globally for the selected rooms. Design level refers to the total power level for the Equipment level calculation method.

Design level options are enabled by selecting Equipment Level from the Design level calculation method options

  • New data – Used to enter a new design level value. The design level value entered here is the design level the selected rooms' design will be globally changed to when the Apply button is clicked.
  • Restrict changes – When on, the changes can be restricted by entering a design level value to omit from the global change. The design level value entered here will be checked for in the selected rooms' existing gain component properties. If the data check finds the same design level value, the room is omitted from the global change when the Apply button is clicked.
Watts per Floor Area When on, the Watts per Floor Area property can be changed globally for the selected rooms. Watts per floor area refers to the measure of perceived power per square unit of area that comes from gain components.

Watts per Floor Area options are enabled by selecting Power per area from the Design level calculation method options

  • New data – Used to enter a new watts per floor area value. The watts per floor area value entered here is the watts per floor area the selected rooms' design will be globally changed to when the Apply button is clicked.
  • Restrict changes – When on, the changes can be restricted by entering a watts per floor area value to omit from the global change. The watts per floor area value entered here will be checked for in the selected rooms' existing gain component properties. If the data check finds the same watts per floor area value, the room is omitted from the global change when the Apply button is clicked.
Watts per Person When on, the Watts per Person property can be changed globally for the selected rooms. Watts per person refers to the measure of perceived power per room occupant that comes from gain components.

Watts per Person options are enabled by selecting Power per person from the Design level calculation method options

  • New data – Used to enter a new watts per person value. The watts per person value entered here is the watts per person the selected rooms' design will be globally changed to when the Apply button is clicked.
  • Restrict changes – When on, the changes can be restricted by entering a watts per person value to omit from the global change. The watts per person value entered here will be checked for in the selected rooms' existing lighting component properties. If the data check finds the same watts per person value, the room is omitted from the global change when the Apply button is clicked.
Fraction latent When on, the fraction latent property can be changed globally for the selected rooms. Fraction radiant refers to the amount of latent heat given off by the gains component in the room. Fraction latent is a decimal number between 0.0 and 1.0. This number is multiplied by the total power consumed by the equipment component to give the amount of latent energy produced. This energy affects the moisture balance within the room the equipment component is located.
  • New data – Used to enter a new fraction latent value. The fraction latent value entered here is the fraction latent the selected rooms' design will be globally changed to when the Apply button is clicked.

  • Restrict changes – When on, the changes can be restricted by entering a fraction latent value to omit from the global change. The fraction latent value entered here will be checked for in the selected rooms' existing gain component properties. If the data check finds the same fraction latent value, the room is omitted from the global change when the Apply button is clicked.

End-Use subcategory When on, the end use subcategory property can be changed globally for the selected rooms. The end usage category refers to user-defined end-use categories, for instance, "Pumps", "Office Equipment", etc. If no user defined end use category is present, the gain component will be assigned to the end usage category General.
  • New data – Used to select a new end use subcategory. The end use subcategory selected here is the end usage category the selected rooms' design will be globally changed to when the Apply button is clicked.
  • Restrict changes – When on, the changes can be restricted by selecting an end use subcategory to omit from the global change. The end use subcategory selected here will be checked for in the selected rooms' existing gain component properties. If the data check finds the same end use subcategory, the room is omitted from the global change when the Apply button is clicked.
Fraction radiant When on, the fraction radiant property can be changed globally for the selected rooms. Fraction radiant is a decimal number between 0.0 and 1.0. This number is multiplied by the total power consumed by the equipment component to give the amount of long wave length radiation gain from the equipment component.
  • New data – Used to enter a new fraction radiant value. The fraction radiant value entered here is the fraction radiant the selected rooms' design will be globally changed to when the Apply button is clicked.
  • Restrict changes – When on, the changes can be restricted by entering a fraction radiant value to omit from the global change. The fraction radiant value entered here will be checked for in the selected rooms' existing gain component properties. If the data check finds the same fraction radiant value, the room is omitted from the global change when the Apply button is clicked.
Fraction lost When on, the fraction lost property can be changed globally for the selected rooms. Fraction lost is a decimal number between 0.0 and 1.0. This number multiplied by the total power consumed by the equipment component to give the amount of heat which is lost and does not impact the room energy balances. This might correspond to electrical energy converted to mechanical work or heat that is vented to the atmosphere.
  • New data – Used to enter a new fraction lost value. The fraction lost value entered here is the fraction lost the selected rooms' design will be globally changed to when the Apply button is clicked.
  • Restrict changes – When on, the changes can be restricted by entering a fraction latent lost to omit from the global change. The fraction lost value entered here will be checked for in the selected rooms' existing gain component properties. If the data check finds the same fraction lost value, the room is omitted from the global change when the Apply button is clicked.
Tip: Units Display – Units are displayed using the default system of units that was defined for the project, but can be changed to display using alternative units.